We made it!
Getting settled in a new place is always filled with fun, quirky discoveries, and Trois-Rivieres (or TR, as I'll mostly refer to it) did not disappoint.
Observe this marvel in architectural design:
Yes, you see that right: the tree has grown through the fence. Or absorbed the fence, depending on how you want to look at it.
TR has many very vocal squirrels, who sprint across streets and telephones wires, and squawk and give you what-for from above.
And, the neighborhood unicorn:
This unicorn was part of a city-wide art installation that was up until the end of September. This unicorn sat just a couple blocks from our place! And somehow we managed to walk by it multiple times without actually noticing its presence - truly magical, I tell ya.
TR also has a thing for poetry, as it is the self-declared poetry capital of the French-speaking world. A remarkable title. At the beginning of October, there was some sort of poetry celebration event across the city, and there were works written by schoolchildren strung up in one of the nearby parks:
Poems in the park.
Other fun quirks and perks of the city include our proximity to a great bakery; we live only a couple minutes from fresh bread. Unsurprisingly, we are regulars.
One annoying thing about Quebec (TR in particular) is that the operating hours of business are really about 30 minutes to an hour less than whatever is posted. For example, we went to get ice cream one night. It was about 8:30 pm, and the place closed at 9 pm (according to Google, anyway). As we walked in we noticed that the staff seemed to have already finished most of their end-of-the-night cleaning duties; we expressed that we wanted gelato only to be informed that they were out of spoons.
The audacity.
Like going to Montana (or anywhere in the US, really) Quebec sells wine and beer at grocery stores, thus making Costco a true one-stop-shop.
That's all for now. Stay weird.
Mel & U
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